Transcultural Marketing

Branding, marketing and sales services to span neighborhoods, countries, or the globe.

Everyone is different. You, me, and the guy next door. The folks in the country next door are also different, quite often in more ways than your neighbor. This is as obvious as non-problematic.

That is … it’s not a problem until you try to market to people from a culture that’s different from yours. Getting to the heart of people that have grown up in a culture other than yours is difficult, and daunting.

We help you build bridges to get your brand, product or service across the borders and into the minds (and, ideally, hearts) of your customers. Currently, our crew is well-equipped to offer branding and marketing services for these regions:

🇪🇺 most of Europe
🇯🇵 Japan
🇨🇳 China
🇰🇷 South Korea

If the region you’d like to connect with is not listed, contact us and we’ll connect with a partner who can assist you.

Available as: Consulting, Workshop, Speaking Event.