Mental Tools for Efficiency and Empathy
A 6-part series on mental tools for more efficient and empathic communication with yourself and others, especially in technical teams. Published in issues 1/2022 to 6/2022 of technische kommunikation, reprinted in English in tcworld magazine.
This article was originally published in tcworld magazine starting 4/2022.
Tool 1: Boosting the mind
How do we meet challenges that exceed our mental and emotional toolset? A brain dump can clear the mind and provide solutions. Read it on
Tool 2: Change is in your hands – or is it?
Customers who annoy you with their excessive demands; colleagues who are always late; family members who leave behind a mess. What seems hopeless at first can be changed with a few tricks. Available soon on
I’ll list links for tools 3 to 5 as soon as they’re available.