Day 27: Productivity, This Time For Real

The market (ha!) is filled with personal organizers, productivity systems and whatnots. Most of them promise: “Use me and you’ll be more productive!” It’s not that they’re wrong, it’s just that most people simply ignore the word “use.” As a result, personal organizers have a tendency to end up in drawers and will only be taken out (and dusted) for the next appraisal interview with the boss. The simpler the productivity system is, the easier it is to use and thus the more efficient it will be to make you more efficient.
At the end of this day … you’ll get more productive each day.

Mathias Maul
Vom Coach zum Unternehmer
- amazon: Print, Kindle-Edition
- Junfermann: Print, E-Book
- getAbstract: Buchzusammenfassung